
‘Doomsday’ glacier set to melt faster, swells seas as world warms

Tidal action on the underside of Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier will “inexorably” speed up melting this century, according to new research by British and American scientists. Researchers warn that faster melting could destabilize the entire West Antarctic ice sheet, leading to its eventual collapse.

The massive glacier — which is about the size of Florida — is of particular interest to scientists because of the rapid rate at which it is changing and the impact its loss would have on sea levels (hence its “Doomsday” name). It also acts as an anchor holding back the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

Over 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) thick in places, Thwaites has been likened to a cork in a bottle. If it were to collapse, sea levels would rise by 65 centimeters (26 inches). This is already a significant amount considering that the oceans are currently rising at 4.6 millimeters per year. But if it resulted in the eventual loss of the entire ice sheet, sea levels would rise by 3.3 meters.

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While some computer models suggest that reductions in greenhouse gas emissions under the 2015 Paris Agreement could slow the glacier’s retreat, the outlook for the glacier remains “bleak”, according to a report by the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) , a project that includes researchers. from the British Antarctic Survey, the US National Science Foundation and the UK Environment Research Council.

Thwaites has been retreating for more than 80 years, but that process has accelerated in the past 30, Rob Larter, a marine geophysicist who contributed to the research, said in a news release. “Our findings indicate that it will retreat further and faster.” Other dynamics not currently incorporated in large-scale models could accelerate its demise, new research shows.

Using a torpedo-shaped robot, scientists determined that Thwaites’ underside is insulated by a thin layer of cold water. However, in areas where parts of the glacier rise from the sea floor and the ice begins to float, tidal action pumps warmer, high-pressure seawater up to 10 kilometers beneath the ice. The process disrupts that insulating layer and is likely to significantly accelerate how quickly the grounding zone — the area where the glacier sits on the sea floor — is retreating.

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A similar process has been observed on the glaciers of Greenland.

The group also signaled a worst-case scenario where ice cliffs of 100 meters or more form at the front of Thwaites and then icebergs break off rapidly, causing a glacial retreat that could raise sea levels by tens of of centimeters in this century. . However, the researchers said it was too early to know whether such scenarios were likely.

A key unanswered question is whether the loss of Thwaites Glacier is already irreversible. Heavy snowfall, for example, occurs regularly in Antarctica and helps restore ice loss, Michelle Maclennan, a climate researcher at the University of Colorado at Boulder, explained during a press briefing. “The problem, though, is that we have this imbalance: There’s more ice loss than the snow can make up,” she said.

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Increased moisture in the planet’s atmosphere, caused by global warming evaporating ocean waters, could lead to more snow in Antarctica – at least for a while. At some point, however, it is expected to transition to rain and surface melting on ice, creating a situation where the glacier is melting from above and below. How quickly that happens depends in part on nations’ progress in slowing climate change.

Top photo: The edge of a large iceberg calved from an Antarctic ice shelf.

Copyright 2024 Bloomberg.

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