
Logan Energy: Growth Accelerates With Another Stock Offering (TSXV:LGN:CA)

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Long Player believes that oil and gas is a booming cyclical industry. It takes patience and it certainly helps to have experience. He has been focusing on this industry for years. He is a retired CPA and holds an MBA and an MA.

He heads the investment group Oil & Gas Value Research. He looks for under-watched oil companies and undervalued midstream companies that offer compelling opportunities. The group includes an active chat room where oil and gas investors discuss recent information and share ideas. Learn more.

Analyst Disclosure: We have/have an advantageous long position in LOECF shares either by holding shares, options or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I receive no compensation for this (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Disclaimer: I am not an investment advisor and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell a security. Investors are advised to read all company filings and press releases, as well as do their own research to determine whether the company fits their investment objectives and risk portfolios.

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