
How to declutter your house before you move

  • I’m a professional mess. I help clients get rid of things they don’t need.
  • Ideally, you have the clutter before you start packing for a move.
  • Give away things you haven’t used in a while for free.

I’m a decluttering professional and often get asked by clients when they should start decluttering while planning a move. Ideally, you should start a year before your move date. The second best time, however, is today.

Even if you’re moving soon, it’s not too late to throw away some of your clutter instead of packing it into boxes that will sit unopened in the basement of your new home for the next decade.

Here’s how to do it.

Take out 2 boxes – things you’re moving and things you’re donating

When packing small items, use two boxes: one for things that are with you and one for things that you will leave at the home improvement store. This is especially good for packing the kitchen, bathroom, bedding, wardrobe – anywhere you’re packing small or easy-to-fold items.

Don’t think too much about it. If you open a kitchen drawer to find four spatulas and three serving spoons, one of which you haven’t used in the last two years, throw them in the donation box. The same goes for the t-shirts you never wear, the unopened shampoo you keep shoving in the back of the closet, and any orphaned sheets or pillowcases.

As long as you touch each item, you can make a quick decision about it. If you’re struggling with whether to keep or toss an item, you’re welcome to keep it and move on. The point here is to lighten your load, not increase your stress.

Out is out

One thing that prevents us from getting rid of things we no longer want is not knowing what to do with them. In an ideal world, you’d find the perfect home for every discarded item. But out here in the real world, you’re allowed to get rid of things in any suitable way. Yes, this includes the trash can.

You might find someone who can extend the usefulness of an item for a few years, but unless you’re talking about a cast iron skillet or a handcrafted wooden shelf, chances are your stuff will be trash one day. It’s okay if that day is today. I don’t encourage you to throw everything you’ve finished in the trash, but it’s allowed if it’s impossible to figure out who might want it.

The same goes for donations. You may prefer to donate to local organizations that give things away for free, but if taking everything to the Salvation Army thrift store is the easiest solution, then go for it.

Yes, yes, yes

Technology makes it easy to give things to people who want them. Post things on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, and anywhere else you can think of. Don’t worry about taking beautiful photos – just tell people what you’ve got. It’s first come, first served, so bring it yourself. If you’re willing to give rather than sell your stuff, it’s pretty easy to find takers.

If you’re holding on to cash, be realistic about how much you think you can make by selling the items. Factor in the time it takes to photograph, list and ship your stuff and see what others are charging for the same stuff online.

We tend to think that our possessions retain their value, but unfortunately, most of them do not. Holding on to things you don’t have time or motivation to sell won’t bring you riches or peace of mind. Let go and enjoy the freedom of owning less.

Remember to have fun

Moving is an obstacle, but it doesn’t have to be miserable. Try one of these ideas:

  • Throw a big party and let your guests help themselves to anything that isn’t labeled for disposal.
  • Host a yard sale where everything is free. Collect donations and give them to your local food pantry.
  • Drag things up to the board and bet how long they’ll stay there before someone takes them home – the winner buys ice cream for everyone.

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