
Martin Lewis tells DWP to drop ‘shameful’ rule and says ‘stop’

Martin Lewis has said he is “on my bucket list” as he campaigns for the Department for Work and Pensions to remove the Carer’s Allowance income threshold. The BBC Sounds podcast presenter led calls for the cap to be removed on Twitter, now X, this week.

Martin said: “Please RT if you agree. It might get in the noses of some in power (share the post below, not this one). P.S. It’s on my list of things to say to relevant politicians when I meet them. It comes after unpaid carers were prosecuted by the DWP for overpayments – after earning too much.

In his initial tweet, Mr Lewis said: “Ending Carers Allowance on the cliff edge! Many have reported the scandal that those who care for vulnerable loved ones for more than 35 hours/week have to pay £1,000 just for going a pound or two over the limit. earnings threshold (currently £151/week ending this clawback is important).

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“However, the cliff edge should also end. Almost all other benefits work by tapering – meaning you earn above the limit and the benefit doesn’t stop immediately, it tapers off gradually. With Carers’ Allowance, a penny over and you get it now. This is just stupid and should be stopped.

“The allowance of £82/week is pitifully low, at least we should end the cliff so work pays.” In response, one fan said: “As a carer I couldn’t agree more. I also think it’s outrageous that there is no benefit for someone who needs full time care. Ideally, my husband needs me all day every day, but I have to work to keep our family afloat.

“Shouldn’t there be a benefit to reflect that need?” Another fumed: “Carers Allow should not depend on a person earning no more than £151 a week! Or £139, as it was for me, caring for my elderly mother who has dementia. I am now retired and no longer entitled to this. , but still take care of mom 24/7 never mind 35 hours a week.

“I have written to my MP about this. And I suggested him to introduce a reduced rate. So, when earnings exceed a certain amount, then CA decreases accordingly. This happens with UC if earnings exceed £670 per month. This would bring both in line,” said another.

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