
Aggressive serial stalker from Bude has been banned from speaking to any women or girls

An aggressive bully has been banned by the courts from speaking to any woman or girls after a series of incidents and making sexual comments in a Cornish town. Gary McGill was also locked up and banned from a street and two businesses in Bude.

McGill, 61, was also given a Criminal Behavior Order and a Sexual Harm Prevention Order after police officers received several reports late last year of a man being verbally aggressive and who made sexual remarks to women. The reports began in November 2023 and officers identified McGill with the help of members of the local community.

He was arrested and later released on conditional bail but continued to repeat his behaviour. He was later re-arrested for other offenses and breaching bail and was remanded in custody by the courts before sentencing.

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McGill was convicted and sentenced for five counts of threatening, abusive, insulting words or behavior likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Appearing at Truro Crown Court on May 21, he was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison and a Criminal Behavior Order (CBO), in addition to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO), which was handed down in February.

Local manager PC Nina Sargent said: “McGill was unknown to the local police in the early stages of this investigation and with the help and support of the community, particularly on Facebook, we were able to identify him and support the victims.

“With the continued support of the community providing evidence and reporting incidents, we were able to get the Sexual Harm Prevention Order out of a conviction. I am pleased with the outcome of the court for the sake of the victims – Violence against women and girls is a force priority and will not be tolerated.”

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