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Inflation measures the change in the prices of goods and services in the economy. A drop in inflation means prices are now rising more slowly.

Combined with rising wages, this makes the cost of living more affordable as you can buy more with your pocket money. This means being able to save more, buy more goods and services and enjoy a better quality of life.

A Treasury economist explains exactly what falling inflation means for you.

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How will lowering inflation help the economy?

Lower inflation supports people by maintaining the purchasing power of their money. If prices rise slowly, people can plan their budgets more effectively, encouraging spending and investment, which fuels the economy.

Lower inflation also helps businesses grow by providing a stable and predictable environment for them to operate, allowing for more employment opportunities or the ability to research new products and services. Finally, low inflation enhances the UK’s competitiveness in a global market. When the economy is stable and predictable, other countries are more interested in investing in the UK.

This can bring in more money from foreign investors, give us better trade deals and make the overall economy stronger.

How will lower inflation help my business?

If inflation is lower, it means that the cost of the materials that companies use to produce their goods and services is not rising as quickly, reducing the need for them to pass price increases on to their customers. Take a coffee shop as an example; they won’t face significant increases in the cost of coffee beans, paper cups, or the energy needed to light the store.

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