
The Tower Hamlets family was forced to rip up the carpets after horrific floods wreaked havoc on their flat for weeks

A Tower Hamlets family has been forced to tear up their carpets after floods ravaged their home for two weeks. Rabia Begum, who lives in Vollasky House, Whitechapel, described the situation as a “total nightmare” and said her family were suffering from post-traumatic stress after water started pouring into the flat on April 30.

Tower Hamlets Community Housing (THCH), which holds the lease on the east London block, confirmed the leak was from a pipe connecting to a water tank. Ms Begum told MyLondon that the incident had a big impact on her household as her mother is 85, while she also lives with her sister, who has been housebound for 20 years due to schizophrenia, and her son 13 year old with autism. and dyspraxia.

The family first noticed the flood when they saw water running down the bathroom wall. This was followed by water rising through the kitchen floors and landing. After a week, the housing association sent a plumber to inspect the problem, but Rabia claims the flooding has since worsened.

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“I couldn’t sleep at night,” she told MyLondon. “We’d sleep for a few hours, but then we’d return to massive puddles in the kitchen. It was like someone was throwing buckets of water on the floor.

Rabia’s 85-year-old mother stayed up all night to clear the flood water. (Image: Facundo Arrizabalaga/MyLondon)

“I would stay up until 1am and my mother would get up at 5am to clean the puddles. There was a night when he didn’t sleep at all.

“On landing, the flood was up to my ankle. The smell of standing water got so bad I had to tear up the whole carpet and throw it away. It was a nightmare, I’ve never experienced anything like it.”

Tower Hamlets Community Housing offered temporary alternative accommodation for the family, but Rabia said the move would be too stressful for her sister and son because of their disabilities. She fears major work is needed on their home to make it safe again, which will only be possible if they move for a while.

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