
Leeds Festival closed the car park shortly before the first act

Before the festival, organizers wrote that the site “suffered a lot of rain before the event”.

“We are extremely saddened to have to make this decision after all the additional plans we have put in place which proved successful yesterday in Hatfield, but the safety of our customers is paramount,” the statement read, referencing its sister festival in Hertfordshire.

“We apologize for the inconvenience, please be patient and thank you in advance for your cooperation.”

The organizers also advised people with mobility problems to avoid the site.

Megan Elliott, posting on Facebook after the festival, wrote: “The queues for the shuttle bus were ridiculous.

“I waited two hours and by the time I actually got on it was almost 1am so I also lost money because I paid for a ticket after the party but I was way too tired to go after staying so long long in line”.

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