
FE News | Unique design workshop strengthens youth-police relations in Birmingham

A group of 16 to 19-year-olds from Birmingham took part in a pioneering design workshop aimed at improving relations between young people and the police.

Led by Digital Skills Consulting, the “Addressing young people’s perception of the police” The design workshop took place at Birmingham Metropolitan College (BMet) earlier this month.

One of a series running across the country, it gives young people an opportunity to ‘find their voice’ and see first-hand that they can influence decisions that affect their community – and in particular their age group.

50 BMet students took part, with around 20 officers from West Midlands Police Force. They were joined by 15 professional designers from leading design agency, Experience Haus, along with 25 mentors from local and national businesses and charities.

Young people worked with experts to create digital solutions to help promote better understanding and foster better relationships between themselves and the police.

Ideas included an app that gives young people their “rights and responsibilities” if they have been subjected to a Stop and look procedure and also a website where young people can find activities in their local area, overlaid with a map showing updates on any crime issues they need to be aware of.

Ideas will be taken forward, ultimately resulting in a solution that will be developed to support all involved.

Chief Superintendent Kim Madill from West Midlands Police Force offered his support and commended the participants for their dedication to tackling real-world issues. She said:

“This event is a fantastic way for the police and partners to hear from young people in the area and have open and honest conversations to understand what their perceptions of the police are.

“Our aim is to build young people’s confidence in the police, as well as listen to their views and concerns about everything from vaping to knife crime.

“These events build on our youth engagement work, where we actively listen to young people to learn from their experiences, which then shape our approach. Whether it’s school boards, surveys, cadets or police and youth crime commissioners, we listen and adapt.

“As well as being hugely beneficial to young people, their feedback is also invaluable in helping us work with partners to tackle the issues that matter most to them.

“It’s also an opportunity to encourage young people to report concerns and crimes and the different ways they can do this, either to the police and partners, or anonymously by contacting Fearless – Crimestoppers’ dedicated youth service.”

The event was also attended by West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster, who added:

“Young people will always be a priority for me. We must invest in their future and protect and promote their well-being. This will give them the opportunity to fulfill their potential and then benefit our region.

“It is vitally important that young people have confidence and trust in our police service. Equally, our police service must police in a child-centred way that understands the particular needs and vulnerabilities that may impact on young people.

“The ultimate aim of the event is to build young people’s confidence in the police and for the police to better understand and work with young people.

“It’s also a fantastic opportunity to network with other young people and explore future careers in the design and technology industries and perhaps even a career in policing.”

The impact event was sponsored by Axon and others are planned in UK locations including London and Liverpool.

The event was chaired by Julia Von Klonowski, CEO of Digital Skills Consulting. She said:

“Having run a similar event in London, we were delighted to offer young people in Birmingham the opportunity to work with the local police and collaborate with professional designers.

“The workshop helped to break down some of the perceived barriers between police and students, as well as constructively and creatively looking at digital solutions to promote better relationships and understanding.

“The students were fantastic and brought a huge amount of insight and enthusiasm to the day. This event was incredibly beneficial for everyone involved and we are looking at holding further workshops in other locations in the coming months.”

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