
The video shows a road accident in Wakefield, with the witness chasing after the driver

WAKEFIELD – An apparent case of road rage ended in a crash in Wakefield on Wednesday. The doorbell video shows the two drivers speeding through a neighborhood before crashing where children regularly play in the streets.

Police say the drivers were called for driving a vehicle to endanger.

The piercing sound of screeching tires is what sent Victor Oliveira running from his home Wednesday afternoon.

“I’ve lived here for seven years and there’s never been an accident like this,” Oliveira said. “Honestly, it was just adrenaline, I ran out, I had no reaction other than everybody’s fine.”

Police say it started on Route 128 with the two drivers in some kind of angry argument before coming to a head on Salem Street.

Two cars have crashed in an apparent road traffic incident on Salem Street in Wakefield.

CBS Boston

As the white SUV crashed into the fence across the street, neighbors say the black car sped off. Oliveira then jumped into his wife’s car and followed the sedan.

“I don’t know what got into me, but I went after him, I wanted to make sure he wasn’t a bad person running for something stupid,” Oliveira said.

He says the driver left tire tracks in a business parking lot, then abandoned the car and took off on foot; Oliveira did the same.

“We’re jumping fences, hitting metal posts,” Oliveira said.

He eventually caught up with the driver until the police arrived.

“As I’m running on the phone to the cops, I said, ‘It’s not worth running if you’ve got nothing, stay put,’ eventually she stopped and it turned out she was a nice kid and she was just scared and nervous,” Oliveira said.

Victor “The Good Boss”

Still, big risk for Vic to go after the guy, so why did he do it?

Well, it helps to know that Vic is no stranger to trying to help. Around here, he has a huge following as the “Good Boss” who helps the homeless and struggling addicts.

Vic was featured on WBZ’s Changemakers segment for his charitable work.

“I like to do good in life,” Oliveira said.

Police say the drivers were not seriously injured, and looking at the damage, the homeowners say it’s a blessing their children weren’t in the back yard at the time of the crash.

“Think before you act,” Oliveira said. “I know we act immediately when something happens, but try to take a minute and think about the consequences because this could have been someone’s life.”

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