
Mikhail Riches and GT3 unveil new designs for Ealing Leisure Centre

The 9,530m² center will replace the authority’s Gurnell Leisure Center in west London, its flagship facility, which fell into disrepair following its closure at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The planning application was submitted last month and also includes designs for 300 homes in blocks of flats, ranging in height from four to 10 storeys, with a density of 210 homes per hectare. This 25,258 m² residential element will help finance the replacement of the leisure centre.

The development includes a number of outdoor leisure facilities, including a BMX track, skate park and outdoor gym, as part of the enhanced landscaping in the surrounding Gurnell playing fields near South Greenford station.

Under the new plans, the existing, defunct facility will be demolished. At least 95 per cent of materials from demolition, excavation and construction waste will be reused or recycled, in line with targets set out in the council’s planning application (see the statement in the design and access statement below).

Mikhail Riches will act as architect and masterplanner for the project, with GT3 designing the leisure centre.

The planning submission marks a major step forward for the project after the council’s planning committee rejected the borough’s previous application in 2021 for 599 homes in blocks of up to 17 storeys and a new leisure center designed by 3DReid. The west London neighborhood collaborated on this project with Malaysian developer EcoWorld International.

2019 Stirling Prize winner Mikhail Riches replaced 3DReid on the project in 2022 and is working on the project with Gleeds, Expedition Engineers, Tibbalds, Periscope, Greengage and ITP transport.

Mikhail Riches founding director, David Mikhail, said: “Our masterplan aims to maintain strong links with the park through a series of north-south views while remaining well below the level of a previously failed scheme.

“The new park was created with guidance from the Safer Parks Consortium publication Safer Parks – Improving access for women and girls.’

GT3 Architects director of sport and leisure Paul Reed said: “The new leisure center will once again provide a much-loved facility for the people of Ealing with a larger, energy-efficient facility that uses low-emission strategies low carbon”.

The application has so far received 79 comments in support and 68 objections.

Draft master plan

Excerpt from Design and Demolition Access Statement

A pre-deconstruction audit was carried out inventorying all materials in the existing leisure center and surrounding external works.

The inventory assesses the condition, deconstructibility (if the material/item is accessible, mechanically fixed, etc.) and suitability for recovery (if there is potential for on-site reuse and/or if there is an off-site stockist, the material could be sold/donated to ).

The audit concluded that there are a number of opportunities for reuse of best practice on site that are worth exploring further. These were then trained with the design team and the client. The outcome of this design process identified in-situ concrete facade panels as a prime on-site reuse opportunity that would save both virgin materials and embodied carbon – an estimated 48 tCO2 (43 tCO2 in concrete and 5 tCO2 in concrete). the armature) is retained within the existing panels.

This technical feasibility of reuse, including facade details, cutting and storage methods, is now being explored, as well as the cost/value assessment. Other opportunities such as the reuse of paving stones and steel elements in landscape and outdoor facilities are also being explored.

Off-site reuse opportunities, including donations to local charities, are expected to be explored by the demolition contractor. Good practice recycling and landfill diversion (>95%) are minimum requirements included in the demolition specification.

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