
Close the door when you leave

I have to admit, I’ve been worried about this moment all year. A good man, a great father, an exceptional teacher and a fantastic colleague is retiring in a few days.

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Brent Tomberlin

Photo courtesy of Brent Tomberlin

We have been working with each other for over 20 years. I had the opportunity to teach a few of his children and he taught one of mine. We lived life together, celebrating each other at different times and praying with each other in the midst of good and bad news.

We both comforted and persuaded each other at different times. He remains a staple in my life as a teacher. I wonder what it will be like to be in high school next year without him.

A good teacher creates a legacy for his students, his colleagues and even himself. Matt Ingram defines all three parts of an educational legacy. Over the years, he has demonstrated solid teaching, being able to take students to the front, right, and sides of an issue without letting them know what his personal beliefs are. He strains them into different ways of thinking and allows them to argue their own beliefs and defend them. In addition, he is concerned with teaching in a way that leaves them with something to think about every day.

People read and…

Matt defines the idea that teaching is a ministry. Many times I saw him write a note to a student and put it on his desk. Whenever he writes one, it’s honest. A student years ago kept the note in front of her notebook because it meant so much to her.

I witnessed this gentleman meet with a student at a local branch library to be a confidant and mentor. Most importantly, this genuine individual enjoys celebrating with students when they succeed. Instead, he is often the first one there to console when students are struggling and in need of care.

Very few instructors are able to use their personal passions in a true and effective way. Over the years, Mr. Ingram has shared his love of nature when he takes students on trail cleanups as part of a club activity or shepherds them through their first building experience while helping build a Habitat for Humanity home. A very large aspect of his life is service above self. Some people use this as a cheap slogan to get what they want. Not so with Matt. He serves for the joy of being able to serve and contribute to the community as a whole. His care and ability to serve is inspiring to watch. Every year, she tries to complete a beautification project at school. Whether he’s creating a piece of art to hang on a wall or placing pictures of former students in the main hall, he’s constantly thinking about making the school the best it can be.

This man is also the most effective prankster within the school walls. One Christmas, she wrapped all my classroom desks in decorative paper. He likes to come into my room and turn my desks upside down. Recently he has liked to come into my room and close the door for me. He denied it later, but I know it was him. One of his proudest pranks involved placing about six feet of newspaper on the floor of my entire classroom. In the spirit of full disclosure, I did some of the same things to him, including stealing one of his prized classroom artifacts and once wrapping his entire office in Saran wrap.

One definition of colleague is co-worker. Yes, this is Matt Ingram. For years, we were co-chairs of the social studies department at South Caldwell High School. And more importantly, we talked almost every day about current events, social studies, history, lessons, and most of all, life. He remains a great witness to me of what a great teacher and godly man should be. He knows who he is, shows a solid inner faith, and is an example to all who come in contact with him. I am thankful that I have laughed more times than I have cried.

I’m very happy for him and his retirement, but I’m anxious for what the school will look like in his absence. Other good people will have to work hard to fill the void left by his exit.

Students deserve to be in the presence of good men and women. A teacher’s life is always watched and open. South Caldwell High School students, both past and present, are blessed because of Ingram’s purposeful presence throughout the years. A teacher’s life transforms other lives, and there is no doubt that his example will continue to do the same in all of us.

So, Ingram, close the door when you leave. Make it a good and final closure. You will be missed by many. Your work over the years has made a profound difference to all who have had the pleasure of knowing you. You have had an amazing teaching career. It is sure to be a treasured gift for others.

Brent Tomberlin is a social studies teacher at South Caldwell High School and various other institutions. He can be reached at [email protected].

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