
The discovery gives hope to people with the common syndrome

New research offers hope for people with restless legs syndrome, as scientists have made a discovery that could identify those most at risk and point to potential treatments. The condition, which is common among older adults, can cause an unpleasant crawling sensation in the legs and an overwhelming urge to move them.

Symptoms are usually worse during the day or night and can seriously affect sleep, and while some people experience them every day, they can occur occasionally in others. Experts suggest that up to one in 10 older adults have symptoms, and about 2% to 3% are severely affected and seek medical help, but little is known about what causes the syndrome.

The condition is not life-threatening, but severe cases can disrupt sleep causing insomnia and triggering anxiety and depression. In the new study, an international team led by researchers from the Helmholtz Institute for Neurogenomics Munich, the Institute of Human Genetics of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Cambridge, found genetic clues pointing to the cause of the syndrome. Researchers say it may be possible to use basic information such as age, gender and genetic markers to accurately classify who is more likely to have severe restless legs syndrome in nine out of 10 cases.

Co-author Dr Steven Bell, from the University of Cambridge, said: “This study is the largest of its kind in this common – but poorly understood – condition. By understanding the genetic basis of restless legs syndrome, we hope to find better ways. to manage and treat it, potentially improving the lives of many millions of affected people around the world.”

Professor Juliane Winkelmann, from TUM – one of the senior authors of the study – said: “For the first time, we have gained the ability to predict the risk of restless legs syndrome. It’s been a long journey, but now we are empowered to not only treat, but even prevent this condition in our patients.”

Previous studies had identified 22 genetic risk loci – regions of the genome that contain changes associated with increased risk of the condition. In the new study, published in Nature Genetics, the team identified more than 140 new genetic risk loci.

They found no strong genetic differences between men and women, despite the condition being twice as common in women as in men. This indicates a complex interplay of genetics and environment (including hormones) may explain the gender differences we see in real life, the researchers suggest.

Two of the genetic differences identified by the team involve genes that are important for nerve and brain function. According to the scientists, they could be targeted by existing anticonvulsant drugs or used to develop new drugs.

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