
“Devastation” as a school hedge containing clipped developing birds

Residents were left “devastated” after a school hedge containing nesting birds and baby chicks was knocked down. Police are investigating the potentially illegal destruction of bushes on the boundary of Park House School in Newbury, Berks.

The sizeable hedge that ran along the secondary school grounds was removed so that contractors could install a new fence during the half term break. However, many locals believe the decision could amount to an illegal act – as it may have contained nesting birds.

Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 – the law that protects nesting birds and their eggs – it is illegal to destroy or intentionally destroy a bird’s nest while it is being used or built.

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Newbury Green Party parliamentary candidate Steve Masters was tipped off by several Wash Commoners about the hedge removal and, after inspecting the site last Thursday, reported the incident to the police. “It was pretty serious in terms of the fact that it was in the middle of the nesting season,” he said. “Destroying a hedge isn’t necessarily illegal in itself, destroying active nests is.”

Thames Valley Police confirmed the force had received a report of wildlife crime. A spokesman said: “A hedge with nesting birds and chicks inside was knocked down in Sutherlands sometime between 9am on May 27 and 7pm on May 29.

Susan Millington is co-ordinator for Friends of the Earth Newbury, a local environmental group, and said she was outraged to discover the hedge had been destroyed. Dr Millington added: “What is left is a scene of devastation. A few isolated broken trees and lots of rubbish on bare ground is all that remains of a beautiful mature hedge”.

“I’m completely terrified of the timing, the peak of the bird nesting season. There is no doubt that the length of hedge destroyed by their contractors contained many active bird nests and will be home to many other species as well.”

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