
Many (were) satisfied that this vaccine can cause autism

Data from a survey of US adults clearly reveals {that a} quarter of the pattern, however, disagrees with the mainstream scientific consensus that there is no link between the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (The MMR vaccine) and autism. The state of affairs is worse than anticipated.

This time we cannot talk about organizing the flu vaccine for the next 12 months, but about a real conspiracy idea which continues to be well regarded in American society.

Speaking for example about measles, few really know all the issues (even fatal) which could result without sufficient vaccination. The first measles vaccine was born in the 1960s and represented base second for medicines.

A few years later, it was mixed into a single injection and vaccine a mole (which causes swelling of the glands near the face and their problems will probably lead to infertility) and towards RUBELLAthat is, a disease that is often delicate it is particularly harmful throughout pregnancy.

This mission was so profitable The United States has officially eradicated measles in 2000, that means no virus was circulating in nature.

Unfortunately, however, in 1998, a bunch of British scientists and documentaries led by Andrew Wakefield printed a (sadly) well-known piece of research. Wakefield even argued that it might very well exist the hyperlink between the MMR vaccine and autism at Children. This article was (apparently) later withdrawn from the journal The Lancethowever, the results can be seen right now.

Persistent the false perception that the MMR vaccine causes autism continues to be a problem, particularly due to the current measles outbreaksaid Kathleen Hall Jamieson, head of the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC), which conducted the poll.

Wakefield is now thoroughly discredited, the “science” contained in his article was dismissed as a hoax as soon as once again lost his medication observation permit. As if this were not enough, many gigantic researches have repeatedly found this there is no evidence of any hyperlink between MMR and autism. For that reason, it’s easy to wonder why this new research is so disturbing.

New APPC information collected from more than 1,500 adults clearly reveals how 24% of those interviewed were not satisfied that it was true states that there is no link between MMR and autism. To these, I added another 3% who were unsure.

However, by researching the current literature, you may have seen that there is a connection between the two perception within the fake MMR-autism hyperlink and core anti-vax beliefs.

Our vaccine research consistently shows that the idea that the MMR vaccine causes autism will not be exclusively associated with reluctance to take the measles vaccine. reluctance to get vaccinated practically“Jamieson defined.

After seeing a brand new conspiracy idea, it’s good to remember that there is only one (accidental) fact: measles. it is a preventable disease for people who are entitled to simply receive insurance policies. The latest estimates say vaccination it has saved 154 million lives in the last 50 years.

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