
Clash for Coventry 24 hour gambling plans in Ball Hill

A fierce debate has erupted in Ball Hill, Coventry, after Merkur Slots put forward plans to operate its gambling venue around the clock. Coventry Live readers have had their say on the plans in our comments section and on our Facebook page.

The arcade, which cost £200,000 to build and is located on Walsgrave Road in a bank building, only opened last year and has created 10 new jobs. However, it was stipulated that the society would have limited public opening hours as part of the agreed planning permission.

One Ymee reader said: “I work in this industry, we have to check a register daily of people who have signed up to get banned from arcades etc to stop them getting into serious debt. It gets updated as soon as someone else requests it, I have no idea how many are on it.

Bobinder commented: “Merkur Slots should close this place and re-open in and around Daventry Road, I hear the semi rich are very welcoming and have a lot to spend considering they live in Park Lane and Mayfair in Coventry!”

Oscarlesco is against the plans: “No big. Already too much gambling in this town.”

Deleteme agreed: “Let’s help people lose even more money. Whatever happened to responsible gambling, which this industry says it’s trying to help with?”

Ballhillcommunity said: “Ball Hill is one of the poorest parts of the city. All the banks and building societies left years ago and the area is full of beggars, drug dealing and a magnet for shoplifters.”

Lordgodiva said, “NO!! On so many levels.”

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