
POLL: Union membership has a slight correlation with political views

Current or former union membership has a slight correlation with readers’ political views, an online poll showed this week

Current or former union membership has a slight correlation with readers’ political views, an online poll showed this week.

(Thanks to everyone who responded to our poll on whether it’s time for Ontario to have a new provincial flag. The poll came out 87 percent no, which in my opinion makes it too one-sided to be interesting to write about .)

Less than two-thirds of you said you are or have been a member of a trade union:

More men said yes than women, which more or less reflects the national data:

Rates are fairly consistent across age groups, except for the under 40s. This may have to do with less employment history to look back on, declining rates of union membership in the private sector, or a combination of both:

Those with a high school education or less had lower rates:

People with some level of union connection are more likely to vote NDP or Green than Liberal or PC, but not by a very dramatic margin.

They are more likely to oppose a forced return to the office…

…more likely to favor a single public school system and a republic…

… favors expanding drug legalization (though not by a large margin) …

… and I agree with the statement “Home ownership in Canada is becoming something only the rich can afford”.

However, a union link has no coherent relationship with the views of Justin Trudeau or Pierre Poilievre:

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