
I gave birth to a beautiful boy, but suffered many dark months and operations due to the shortcomings of the hospital

A mother who suffered a serious injury during childbirth says her delayed care has left her “devastated”.

Ashley Roper, 37, suffered a buttonhole tear on her perineum while giving birth to her son, Albi. Doctors did not seek a surgeon’s opinion before attempting to repair the injury and she was discharged from Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield.

Four days later, Ashley was readmitted and doctors noticed that a gap had developed in her perineum and suggested she should have repair surgery. Instead, she was advised to do pelvic floor exercises and physiotherapy, which meant she continued to suffer from urinary incontinence and wind symptoms.

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The pay specialist had seven surgeries after Albie’s birth to fix the problem because the surgery to repair the tear kept not working. She said: “When you go into hospital to have a baby, you never expect something like this to happen.

“When I was initially sent home after giving birth to Albi, I didn’t feel well. I was surprised when I was sent home a second time with the advice I was given, but I didn’t think I had any reason to doubt why. I was told.

“However, my symptoms continued, not just for a few weeks, but for months. The longer they lasted, the more they affected me, not just physically, but emotionally as well.

“I experienced discomfort as well as embarrassment at what I was going through. I was desperate for my symptoms to stop and felt like my life was just a series of hospital appointments and surgeries.

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