
The reason why this part of Manchester is the only place in the UK without a Lib Dem candidate

Thousands of candidates are running to become MPs in the general election on July 4, with some political parties taking almost every seat in the UK. The Conservatives, Labour, Lib Dems and Greens have the largest numbers, with Reform Britain close behind.

Of these five parties, only the Greens are in Chorley, where Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Lindsay Hoyle is standing for re-election. Labor has someone in every other constituency outside Northern Ireland, with 631 candidates in total.

The Conservatives are fielding five candidates in Northern Ireland. However, the party has nobody in Rotherham.

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The Lib Dems also failed to field a candidate for a seat in the north of England – Manchester Rusholme. This new constituency includes Fallowfield, Whalley Range, Ardwick, Hulme and Moss Side, which were previously part of Manchester Central and Gorton.

It has been reported that Seb Bate has been selected to run in Rusholme for the Lib Dems. But his name will not appear on the ballot.

The party says it is committed to taking every seat in the country. But he blamed the omission on an “administrative error”.

A Lib Dem spokesman said: “The Liberal Democrats are committed to standing in every seat in the country. In Manchester Rusholme there was an administrative error which led us not to challenge it.

“But in many areas, it is clear that only we can defeat the Tories and deliver the change that people want.”

Labour, the Conservatives and the Greens all have candidates in Manchester Rusholme. George Galloway’s British Labor Party and the Communist League party are also fielding candidates in the constituency where there is also an independent candidate.

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