
Dad fired from Marks and Spencer said he would stab worker ‘in the skull’

A dad “let his anger and temper take over” after he was kicked out of a Marks and Spencer store and ended up in jail.

Jon Chiocchi was confronted by security when he was apparently caught red-handed stealing. But he responded by pulling a baseball bat from the boot of his car and threatening to stab the staff member’s keys “into the skull”.

Liverpool Crown Court heard yesterday afternoon, Thursday, that the 48-year-old man was spotted by staff at M&S ​​in Aintree Shopping Park placing groceries on top shortly before 9.30am on the 19 July last year. Chiocchi, of Nelville Road in Walton, was asked to remove the goods but denied having anything hidden in his clothes before pushing worker Daniel Whitley.

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Nardeen Nemat, prosecuting, described how the staff member pushed Chiocchi back in an effort to restrain him with the help of a colleague. The alleged thief was said to have opened his mouth and moved his head towards the complainant while apparently trying to bite him.

Chiocchi later said he would return the stock, but added: “Come to my car. I have something for you”.

După ce a fost escortat în afara sediului, el a continuat să protesteze lângă intrare și la numit pe domnul Whitley un „cap de nenorocit” și un „c*** dezordonat”. Chiocchi initially left at this stage, but then returned after placing a key between his fingers and saying, “I’m going to put this in your skull.”

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