
Alice endured unimaginable tragedy to build a life with younger sister Amy…but the “twisted irony” of one man’s deadly choice uprooted everything.

Inspiring, hard working, beautiful and resilient. These are just some of the words echoing in a small room at Leeds Crown Court on Tuesday.

Locked in the courtroom of Courtroom 10, the family and friends of Alice Birchall waited with bated breath to learn how justice would be meted out to her killer Jonathon Hopkinson.

His judge, Tom Bayliss, told Hopkinson he had made reckless and deadly choices before Alice was thrown into his career and into gear on June 18, 2022. He chose to get into a car even though he knew he was over consumption limit. He chose to do this with his daughter as a passenger in the car. He chose to drive at extremely excessive speeds for a considerable distance.

Read more: Jonathon Hopkinson live sentencing updates after causing Alice Birchall’s death in Leeds horror crash

The court has already heard that Hopkinson, 35, drove at 100mph on residential streets with a 30mph limit. It was 8:30 p.m. His selfish actions not only killed Alice, but also left himself and his daughter seriously injured. Eyewitnesses were caused distress and trauma as they pulled the three bodies from the wreckage of the accident he caused.

Alice’s sister Amy described her sister being killed by a drunk driver as a “sick and twisted irony”. The girls overcame both adversity and trauma, having to live through their father’s death and their grieving mother’s spiral into alcoholism – one that included a drink-driving conviction – before she too died.

At the tender ages of only 17 and 20, the girls were left with only each other and their family members. Despite everything she’s been through, Alice has worked hard to build a life for herself – one where she can take care of her little sister. She was so close to fulfilling her dreams of a much-desired career in jewelery design before Hopkinson cruelly ripped her away.

Alice Birchall was killed in the collision in Leeds(Image: Birchall family)

Brave Amy paid tribute to Alice in a statement she bravely read out in court. It illustrated Alice’s personality, her love for her family and friends and theirs for her, shining through.

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