
Crime and Punishment in Joe Biden’s America

In the summer of 2020, America was on fire as Antifa and BLM torched city after city—Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, New York, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Washington, DC and more. Police stations were set on fire and dozens of officers were injured as all manner of projectiles, from rocks to Molotov cocktails, were hurled at them. Dozens of people died. The damage was estimated at more than 1.2 billion dollars, the highest in history.

In January 2021, the Biden administration came to town. With 35,000 FBI agents and support staff at his disposal and armed with an annual budget of $10.8 billion, Biden’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, had everything he needed to bring criminals to justice.

But there was no outrage from the Justice Department. Instead, with one exception here and there, it was quiet. Tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of crimes across the country have never been and never will be prosecuted. New York pays George Floyd protesters a $13 million settlement for their arrest. Many other US cities are negotiating similar agreements.

Maybe because Biden’s Justice Department had other priorities. He was obsessed with jailing anyone and everyone who participated in the January 6 “insurrection.”

President Joe Biden looks on as Attorney General Merrick Garland delivers remarks May 17, 2023, in the East Room of the White House. (Adam Schultz/White House via Flickr)

My son does not belong to any political group. His only organized involvement during the 2020 election was with a local church group that met daily to pray the rosary for America. But like tens of millions of other Americans, my son believed the 2020 presidential election was stolen, so on January 6th he traveled to Washington, DC and joined over 100,000 other patriots to show his support for the man they thought earned it and deserved the certificate.

But then things went wrong, and he was part of it. He entered the Capitol after breaking two windows. He was eventually arrested and charged. He accepted responsibility for these offenses as well as other ancillary offences. But when he pleaded not guilty to a felony charge of obstructing official proceedings — as unconstitutional a charge as has ever been, and one that is about to be struck down by the Supreme Court, the Justice Department unloaded on Biden.

Without the obstruction charge, the January 6 “insurrection” narrative would have vaporized. The vast majority of protesters would be no more culpable than the hundreds of pro-Hamas protesters who stormed the Capitol last October; or the Code Pink protesters who regularly disrupt Congressional hearings; or even Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who pulled a fire alarm (and lied about it) to prevent a House vote. All those who committed these crimes were charged with misdemeanors and paid meaningless fines.

If justice were distributed equally, my son would be equally guilty, with an additional penalty for breaking two windows. Probation and financial restitution could be designed. But this is Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, and we knew it wouldn’t be enough.

Two and a half years after he was charged, and on the eve of his trial, the hammer fell. All of a sudden, the Justice Department discovered that he had assaulted—“walked into the pipe,” they said—a police officer. The footage provided as evidence was so grainy and from such a distance that the judge himself admitted it was impossible to conclusively determine whether my son reached the policeman The judge later insisted that he wanted it to be understood that my son never assaulted this or any other officer that day. But this is when the layman learns that “assault” does not necessarily mean attack. It also means “prevent” or “intervene”, and since my son stepped forward towards an officer when he was pushed from behind by the now unruly mob – guilty.

But my son interacted with the police that day.

The prosecution had access to and viewed other video footage that day. One clip showed my son bringing water to an officer suffering from tear gas. A second video showed my son successfully commanding a threatening rioter to wrap his baseball bat after ignoring similar demands from a dying cop. There are also pictures of my son helping another policeman up after being knocked down.

This meant nothing to the “Justice” Department. He wanted a felony conviction, and when he got it, this out-of-control federal agency asked for more—much more. As the sentencing date approached, one more charge was brought: terroristic enhancement. The Biden administration now wanted the court to equate my son, whose most serious crime ever was a traffic offense, with Osama bin Laden. They argued that the applicable sentencing range is 22-27 years in prison.

The Chief Justice was having none of it and refused to accept the increase. Instead, he sentenced my son to 45 months. But during sentencing, this judge said he found something that everyone missed. Tucked away in a footnote buried in their report, prosecutors provided the replacement cost for a broken window – $847.00. This amount made the offense a misdemeanor, not a felony. The prosecution knew all along but proceeded in bad faith on a felony charge.

L. Brent Bozell III, founder and president of the Media Research Center, speaks during a panel discussion at the Rayburn House office building on April 14, 2016, in Washington, DC. (Kris Connor/Getty Images)

Why did they go to such extremes against my son, including making up murders and wanting him to be declared a terrorist?

This was not a pursuit of justice by a principled prosecution. In Biden’s America, justice has no home for those who challenge it. This was a political pursuit that used the full force of the federal government because my son Leo Brent Bozell IV is named after his father and his father has influence and is supporting President Trump in 2024. The ends justify the means and they will not stop at nothing. .

A criminal investigation into this corrupt Justice Department is long overdue. Those who corrupted him know that in a new Trump administration their days are numbered.

L. Brent Bozell III is the founder and president of the Media Research Center.

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