
How to make sure your peace lily thrives: The best indoor locations revealed

Spathiphyllum wallisii, commonly known as the peace lily, has glossy green foliage and striking white backs. Native to the balmy climates of Central America, the peace lily thrives in conditions similar to its native habitat.

This makes bathrooms and kitchens ideal places for these plants due to their higher humidity levels, although lighting conditions are also a key factor. Peace lilies favor warm, humid surroundings, but can tolerate low light; however, they will not reach their full potential in such situations.

In order for the peace lily to produce its white back, it is essential to find the optimal place in the house, reports Express.

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Gardeners World advises that the perfect environment for a peace lily is a comfortable room with “bright, indirect light”.

Without enough light, peace lilies may struggle to bloom, so if the plant isn’t producing flowers, consider moving it to a brighter area.

However, direct sunlight is an option for peace lilies as it can cause damage, so indirect light remains the best choice. While the peace lily typically blooms for about four weeks in the spring, with proper care, it can bloom again.

To increase the chances of reblooming and overall health, twice weekly feeding is recommended.

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