
Drinks ruining your quality sleep as experts share top tips to avoid it this summer

Late sunshine and comfortable temperatures see a spike in drinking in the UK every summer, but Brits may be sacrificing sleep for booze. While it’s no surprise that an all-nighter will impact a person’s sleep, Drinkaware has revealed that the effects extend much further than many realize.

The alcohol advisory noted that just a few regular drinks can disrupt a person’s sleep cycle because alcohol in the body leads to less time in the rapid eye movement stage, which is where the body really rests and recovers. Some studies have even found that better levels of quality REM sleep are linked to better mental health.

In addition, the diuretic properties of alcohol can leave tired Brits being woken up by their bladder before they are fully rested or even dehydrated, which also contributes to poor sleep quality. Drinkaware also links drinking to snoring and sleep apnea because intoxicating drinks are muscle relaxants, which can cause the airways to narrow during sleep.

It doesn’t take full sobriety to make a major difference to someone’s sleep cycle, as the advisory website noted that it takes the body an hour to process one unit of alcohol, although this can vary from person to person. . Giving your body time to process alcohol before going to bed can slightly improve the quality of your sleep.

For those who want to steer clear of alcohol completely, it can seem like a daunting task during the festival and party-filled summer months. Sabino Recovery Co-Founder and CEO Thomas Isbell shared five tips for staying awake under the hot sun.

Keep the motifs visible

There are a wide variety of reasons people choose to get sober, and Thomas advised that keeping that reason visible in moments of temptation can help remove the hypnotic pull of alcohol. For example, keeping a photo of the motif as your phone wallpaper or in your wallet.

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