
“My mum got her name from an 80s song – always makes me cringe”

While we don’t have the power to choose our names at birth, we always have the option to change them later in life.

That’s exactly what one woman decided to do when she unofficially changed her name to avoid awkward stares from colleagues.

She shared how her mother named her Kyrie-E-Leison after Mister Mister’s 80s song while she was medicated during a C-section. Taking to Reddit, she revealed: “My name is Kyrie-E-Leison. This is my first name.

“It made it hard for me to do normal things like get my driver’s license, apply for jobs, etc.”

To avoid “embarrassment”, the woman used the name Kyrie – but says people often mispronounce that too.

“I spent 99% of my life explaining my name. It’s not pronounced Kai-Ree, it’s pronounced Key-Ree,” she said. “I didn’t know how to write my full name until 3rd grade. My name is Dusk. My sister’s middle name is Day and my mom’s middle name is Dawn.”

Commenting on her name, one user said: “I know someone else named Kyrie (kee-ree-ay like prayer song/Mr Mister) I think it actually sounds nice as a name but the hyphens seem like heavy! Have you ever considered changing it to Kyrie Eleison?”

Another person added: “My name is Valkyrie and my name is Kyrie pronounced like yours.”

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