
Planning Cornwall: More than 30 homes to replace fire-damaged farmhouse called ‘highly damaging’ by Historic England

Plans to demolish a fire-ravaged farmhouse and replace it with 32 new homes will be discussed by a Cornwall Council planning committee next week. Historic England opposed the proposals, saying the development would be “highly damaging” to the character of a World Heritage mining site.

Kevin Penrose has applied to demolish Church View Farmhouse on Church View Road, Camborne, and replace it with the 32 houses, which would include seven “affordable” properties along with access, estate roads and net development gain/ biodiversity.

The matter has been called ahead of Cornwall Council’s west planning meeting next Monday (June 24) after objections were received from Historic England and Camborne Town Council. Local division member Cllr Peter Perry also declared a conflict of interest as he knows the applicant.

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A planning report to the committee notes that the application was amended to take account of comments made by officers and consultants, and the changes reduced the scale of the development and improved the design of the units.

The report states: “The proposed development will result in some damage to the heritage assets comprising the World Heritage conservation area and development, by providing the number of dwellings proposed on the site, leading to the loss of the existing dwelling located in However, this damage is considered to be less than substantial, given that the existing dwelling is fire damaged and unlisted and that the benefits of the scheme in terms of housing provision in the area, including affordable housing, outweigh this harm.”

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