
Reel Life: Red Eye, Antiques Roadshow and more

As the filmed world tried to move on from the ups and downs of 2023, the neighborhood’s public spaces remained as film-friendly as ever. If not more. The West London Film Office got involved in trying to nurse the industry back to health by welcoming these shoots into the borough…

Red Eye, which you may remember filming outside Perceval House last summer, premiered on April 21 on ITV1. We strongly advise you to watch the whole thing, but if you just want to see the entrance of the Perceval House staff on TV, you might prefer to watch episode 3 first.

Organized by the West London Film office with thanks to Jane Coughlan and David McIlroy of the board and their teams.

National treasure

BBC camera filming an episode of Antiques Roadshow outside Pitzhanger Manor with crowd on their feet watching a member of the public talking to one of the experts
Antiques Roadshow footage. Photo by Rosie Baynham

If TV programs could be national treasures, Antiques Roadshow would surely be one of them. Pitzhanger Manor hosted the event in May and it was sold out. Guests gathered at the event to share their stories about various special items. Others simply went to witness the magic.

The show, presented by Fiona Bruce, is one of the BBC’s most popular programs and has
unearthed countless valuables. They are said to be aiming to produce 3 separate programs from the visit, each focusing on different aspects of Ealing.

If all goes according to plan, we’re looking at a show around September. We’ll see what hidden gems our residents have kept hidden and if they result in that audible gasp from the public when their value is announced by the experts.

Now we are cooking

Food guru Big Zuu and footie maestro Patrice Evra deftly maneuvered their way around London to indulge in some culinary delights for episode 4 of Big’s Zuu’s new series 12 Dishes in 12 Hours. While doing so, they ordered a delivery of manakeesh, aka Lebanese pizza, from Kamil Bakery (look out for its sign) in Park Royal. Eating it in their taxi, Patrice was surprised to learn that manakeesh is often eaten for breakfast. Hum.

Douglas Is Canceled stars Hugh Bonneville as Douglas Bellowes, a well-respected middle-aged newscaster. Karen Gillan, taking a break from Hollywood, plays her co-host and tormentor-in-chief. Douglas’ privileged life is suddenly interrupted after he is overheard making a snide comment at his cousin’s wedding. Reduce the digital media storm.

To help with all this, the West London Film Office organized a bit of traffic control in Rosemont Road, Acton, with thanks to Mark Reilly and Janice Hendy from the council.

And what edition of Reel Life is complete without a non-product placement look at what commercials filmed in the neighborhood have recommended recently? This time, the push seems to be for you to get on a bus to the supermarket, then buy some clothes from a nearby clothing vendor. Probably best to take the bus back home after that.

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