
Officers to crack down on Wiltshire pubs during Euros

Puburilor li se permite să prelungească orele de acordare a licențelor pentru Euro doar dacă o echipă națională este în semifinale sau în finală.  <i>(Image: Getty)</i>” bad-src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MA–/ 16″ src=”–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MA–/″/><button class=

Pubs are only allowed to extend their licensing hours for the Euros if a national team is in the semi-finals or final. (Image: Getty)

Pubs in Wiltshire will receive unannounced visits from public protection officers checking in on licensed premises which could be showing Euro football matches.

Venues in England and Wales will be allowed to extend their licensing hours on the day of any semi-final involving a national team and on the day of the tournament final if a national team is participating.

The extension will be two hours, from 11pm to 1am, for the consumption of alcohol on the premises and the provision of late-night refreshments in licensed premises.

Wiltshire Council’s Licensing Committee received this update from the Public Protection Licensing Team at its meeting on Monday 17 June.

According to the public protection licensing team, the unannounced visits by officers will be for the purpose of “providing advice and support” and “will be based on the officers’ own knowledge of the premises that may be hosting football matches”.

The Euro semi-finals are scheduled for July 9 and 10, with the tournament final scheduled for July 14.

The committee was told that if neither the England team nor the Scotland team reached the semi-final, then the normal licensing schedule would apply on 9 and 10 July.

If one or both teams reach the semi-finals, but neither team is in the final, the normal licensing schedule will apply on 14 July.

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