
Coventry residents will have their say on church listing despite mixed views

Coventry residents will be asked for their views on whether a much-loved 1920s church should be listed by the council. A six-week designation consultation for Hearsall Baptist Church is likely to take place next month.

Listing would mean that the heritage value of the church must be taken into account in decisions about any planned redevelopment. The move was called for in a 1,000-strong petition last year after the buildings were put up for sale.

But councilors disagreed with the decision to go ahead at a meeting earlier this week on June 17. Shadow cabinet member Cllr Marcus Lapsa (Con, Westwood) claimed a consultation would be “a waste of money”.


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“Looking at the type of properties (we’ve) looked at in the past, this wouldn’t even have been considered,” he added. Cllr Lapsa said he understood why people wanted the star to be protected.

But he pointed out that the popular Christmas decoration had been left off the list, with officers in the report explaining that this would not be practical as it is not a permanent feature. Cllr Lapsa claimed the heritage value drops “considerably” if the star is left out.

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