
Five students from Cornwall schools presented CDSBEO certificates

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KEMPTVILLE — Five students from the Eastern Ontario Catholic District School Board were honored with certificates of achievement.

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All five go to school in Cornwall – Brendan Bedard and Treyson Garner at St. Joseph, Dolev Klein Harari and Demi Sobanjo at Holy Trinity and Innes Chatterton, who attends St Anne’s Catholic School.

Certificates are presented to deserving individuals to recognize and celebrate their outstanding achievements and notable talents, and presentations were made by board chair Sue Wilson and director of education Laurie Corrigan at what was the last CDSBEO board meeting for school year, which took place earlier this week. in Kemptville.

The presenters noted that Bedard was selected as one of 12 young people to join the National Boys & Girls Club Youth Council and for a decade has been actively involved with BGC Cornwall/SD&G, from a young member who attends the club, to a dedicated volunteer, and now an employed staff member.

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In his role on the board, Bedard will lead as an ambassador, influencing decisions and representing the voices of young and future leaders. His positive influence also resonates in the school community of St. Joe, where Bedard is a strong leader and advocate for others.

Garner has been involved with the local Canadian Air Cadet Squadron 325 Cornwall Kiwanis and just this year he was promoted to first rank. As a warrant officer, Garner is the leader of more than 100 Air Cadets and represents the squadron in many capacities.

CDSBEO said, with his goal of becoming a pilot, Garner is the living embodiment of the 325’s motto “To learn. To serve. To advance.”

Garner was recently awarded South Stormont Youth Volunteer of the Year 2023 for the hundreds of hours he has dedicated to the squadron. Garner attended training and ceremonial training in Cold Lake, Alta. and received the Lord Strathcona Medal for Fitness and the Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence.

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Klein Harari, a Grade 12 student at HT, stands out as a visionary among his peers, presenters said. As a student in STEM leadership, he mentors his peers in virtual reality, 3D printing, coding and robotics. His academic humility encourages collaboration with both peers and teachers, making STEM more accessible to the school community.

Klein Harari represented the local community at the Canada Wide Science Fair, where his project, The Schizophrenia Software Solution, uses artificial intelligence to diagnose the severity of schizophrenic episodes. His diverse portfolio extends to student council, sports teams and social justice initiatives.

He recently received a prestigious $120,000 Schulich Leadership Scholarship from Queen’s University, where he will study engineering this fall with an emphasis in entrepreneurship.

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Sobanjo is a Grade 12 student being recognized for demonstrating exceptional leadership, service and commitment to the betterment of the school community. As a faith ambassador, Sobanjo promotes a positive and inclusive school culture by showcasing his Nigerian heritage during events such as Black History Month.

He has actively participated in initiatives such as Ontario Catholic Student Youth Day and the annual food drive. Sobanjo’s devotion extends beyond faith-based activities; is a member of Best Buddies Club, Diverse Voices Committee, Student Council and has acted as a Student Ambassador.

Chatterton won the 2023 Summer Ontario BMX Provincial Championships held in Stouffville. The win earned him a spot on Team Canada, where he went on to compete at the 2024 UCI BMX Racing World Championships in Rock Hill, SC in May.

Chatterton competed with 112 12-year-old riders from 21 different countries. He placed 67th on his cruiser bike and 74th in his class. His goal for this year is to secure a spot on Team Canada for next summer’s world championships in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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